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Strengthen your Leadership skills in a unique group of people who learn together from everyday experiences.
Start where you are, it is exactly where you need to be!
Everyone Participates In Facilitating Outstanding Results.
Find your pace!
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Our Mission

Our mission is to facilitate Sustainable Change in individuals and organisations. We do this by supporting individuals and organisations to achieve what they want faster than on their own by building the bridge between what people know and what they do, bringing clarity and structure, raising self-awareness and people’s confidence.We do this through Coaching, DISC, Facilitating, Training, and playing The Leadership Game with enthusiasm and curiosity, they give the impulse to think in a new, creative and different way

Start where you are; it is exactly where you need to be!

Online Events

Where are you from? Where do you live?”

These are the 2 first questions that I started to ask at the beginning of the online sessions since March 2020. The reason for asking these 2 questions are: The first question tells me the group’s diversity, and the second question is for my curiosity, and it is not that I want to find out the participants’ addresses.
Since March 2020, I started to collect “countries” from where the participants dial-in for the sessions and until now, people from 34 countries around the world dialled-in for our online sessions.

Live Events


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Feel free to contact us if you want to find out more!

More About Us

Alex and Gabi Nicolae

Dusseldorf 40237

email address