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What if you could tap into your greatest motivations and dramatically improve your relationships and accelerate your results?

Your individual personality affects every aspect of your life. That’s why one of the best things you can do to grow yourself and others is to understand your personality and what naturally drives you. When you recognise your strengths and weaknesses, you are able to give your best as you work with the people around you.

People are different but predictably different.

Everyone you encounter is motivated differently, communicates differently, and views tasks and relationships differently. The Maxwell DISC Profile Workshop will help you achieve greater success when you learn to value your strengths as well as those of others.

When you become aware of the pattern of how other people communicate, you not only know what kind of communication to expect FROM them; you also know how to best prepare FOR, interact WITH, and respond TO them in order to have a successful connection!

If you want to learn to what degree YOU are a D, an I, an S or a C, our Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator Report will provide you with 30 pages all about you. Moreover, we can have a session where we discuss your report and set the action steps for you.

In the Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator Report besides the DISC style you will also find:

  • Description of your behavioural style
  • Description your communication style
  • The communication style of others and how to connect to them
  • The ideal environment where you can bring the best forward
  • Your strengths in 7 key areas of influence
  • 3 graphs that show how others perceive you, how you react to stress and how you perceive yourself
  • And how you can grow into their potential

Each day in our personal and professional lives, you have an opportunity to communicate, connect, and collaborate in a way that adds value

Using the communication strategies of DISC you can transform results and relationships!

For a DISC Personality Indicator Report, contact us!


In these days of rapid change and overload of information, teamwork remains the one sustainable competitive advantage that has been largely overlooked. Building cohesive teams is the key to win over inefficiency.

When a team is built on trust, team members share their perspectives, have a common and clear direction, are committed, they keep each other accountable and focus on results, they can accomplish what might have looked impossible on paper.

The energy, enthusiasm and belief make the impossible possible in a cohesive team.

During the DISC training, we lead your team into communication and personal behavioural assessment that will allow team members to realise their own leadership style, the communication methods and motivators as well as an increase of understanding of their co-workers. The result of the DISC  training will be a greater appreciation for the unique gifts and talents that each team member brings to the organisation. As communication increases, employee engagement increases, stress decreases and greater productivity and employee satisfaction will be the result seen among the coworkers.

The Team DISC Sessions are designed to increase awareness and appreciation of the team members and to move the team into a series of exercises to increase trust which is the greatest asset in any individual and the core of a cohesive team. After we build a foundation of trust, we could be working on the communication and feedback culture, that will enable healthy conflict (debate).


  • Understand how others are different and how to work with each personality types.
  • Build a stronger team that communicates, appreciates the style of others and works well together.
  • Learn effective strategies for handling conflict and personality clashes.
  • Learn effective ways of giving feedback that honours both parties (the messenger and the receiver).
  • Reflect on personal style practices and recognise their impact and influence on others.
  • Challenge individuals to critically examine their communication and feedback style at the intrapersonal, interpersonal and organisational levels.

Measures of Success

Our metrics will include the following:

  • Increase in discussion and participation in communication and feedback development.
  • Noticeably stronger relationships between group members and an increase in the community strength.
  • Greater awareness of the different communication and feedback styles and their impact.
  • Greater member engagement through an increased sense of belonging and camaraderie.

Methodology and Options

  • Maxwell DISC personality indicator reports for  workshop attendees – optional but recommended (online assessment that takes 15-20 minutes):

Possible action steps after the workshop:

  • DISC 1-on-1 Coaching Debrief 45 minutes for each report
  • Coaching

The goal of the coaching process is to develop behavioural skills based on personal and professional goals. Coaching is a partnership with a stimulating and creative process that inspires the individual to maximise his/her personal and professional potential. My responsibility is to provide content, insight, tools, wisdom, framework, ideas, and feedback.  The individual’s responsibility is to move from awareness to action and accountability.  My coaching provides many structures for the individual to meet his/her individual and organisational goals.

The objectives of coaching include helping the individual:

Facilitated by: Alex and Gabi Nicolae
Certified DISC Consultants and NLP Practitioners 
Certified John Maxwell Leadership Coaches & Trainers

Olga Turek-Wozniak
Olga Turek-Wozniak
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Gabi & Alex are a powerful and inspiring coaching team. I took part in their group coaching on leadership skills and I was really amazed seeing the growth of the leader in me. They are reliablie, enthusiastic and fun to be with. I appreciate their work and highly recommend Epifor to anyone who is looking for a new direction and a sense of clarity in their personal growth. Every minute with them is precious and life changing.🌟😃🌟
Ilias Anwari
Ilias Anwari
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Many thanks for your engagement and effort you put into the matter of self-development. Through your sessions, I found out deeper knowledge about managing goals and especially to focus. This is a challenge when I have a different task to do, but I am working on. Your sessions offer a good training to the John Maxwell's book.
Anna Lucia Fatscher
Anna Lucia Fatscher
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I have experienced what it feels like to make small but significant steps towards personal growth intentions. It really is possible! It’s possible when you are vulnerable enough to say to others what your thoughts and intentions are. Growing up any sort of step or goal felt overwhelming. The idea to start small was overwhelming. I was drowned in questions of whether or not I was doing it right, Was this right goal? Was this the best way to approach it? What happens if it doesn’t work? So on and so forth. Other people could benefit from these kinds of experiences if they are ready to give themselves the time and space it takes to discover new parts of them and willing to hear other points of view. Alex and Gabi have helped make clear that adding value to others is so valuable. It’s been a great reminder that it first starts with me.
Madalina Ghinescu
Madalina Ghinescu
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I have Gabi as my coach and I made some incredible progress since I started this collaboration. I really recommend her as a coach because she is using her skills to guide you in your journey. And what I really appreciate is she continues to grow and to develop her coaching skills. I am also part of mastermind group promoted by EPIFOR and I can tell you that you fight your fears and limited beliefs away. If you seek to be part of something bigger than you to help you grow, you must be part of at least one of EPIFOR's programs.
Chen Sii
Chen Sii
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Gabi and Alex are really passionate and professional about helping me to become who I am today. They offer coaching sessions for individuals who want to unfold their true potential and for that I am really glad that I made the choice earlier this year to approach them. I would recommend them to everyone of you, for me the journey to become someone I have always wanted to be took off with Epifor. Thank you.
Georgios Grigorakis
Georgios Grigorakis
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Are you curious or keen in discovering the real you? Are you interested in discovering all those leadership skills and personality strengths hidden inside you? If you are, then I can only recommend you to join the epifor community which is led by Alex and Gabi. Gabi and Alex are professionals who enjoy what they are doing having as priority to deliver "value". I met them outside the epifor community and I was invited shortly after, to one of the Mastermind groups they organised. My initial scepticism, in the power of Mastermind event, was vanished the moment I attended the first one, which was shortly followed by another one. The experience was beyond expectations not only in terms of discovering the real value inside me but also making new friends and building strong relations. I can only recommend attending any future event organised by Alex and Gabi. Most probably I will also be participating so I am looking forward to seeing you in person too!
Camelia Petcu
Camelia Petcu
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The best personal development online live training you can get! I have participated in a few of the online masterminds organized by Gabi and Alex. A fixed group of people meets for an online journey for 5 or 10 weeks with Gabi and Alex as facilitators. Their programs have an impact on your daily life because you get new ideas from the sessions, you have time to reflect on them, practice and come into the next session with new you. It's magic! What I liked the most is that what you learn stays with you and you really make progress. The journey of discovering the infinite power in you starts with Gabi and Alex! #EPIFOR
Lyn Sauter
Lyn Sauter
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Gabi and Alex are motivated to help everyone understand themselves and others better, so that we can live harmoniously together. I've found their workshop to be interesting and it left me wanting more! Hope to be joining one of your workshops again soon.
Alina PA
Alina PA
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Gabi helped me to start delivering training and workshops. I highly recommend her due to her positive attitude (quite contagious 🙂 ) and her professionalism I think Gaby will be able to help different types of companies and organizations to upskill employees and influence employees/ management to strive for a better self :> Congratulations for all the great job you are doing and best of luck for the future:)
Tomáš Lénárd
Tomáš Lénárd
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I attended three online events (2x Leadership game, 1x Team Stressed to Team Best) by Gabi and Epifor and every time I was completely amazed! Gabi was great, high level professional, but still very friendly and I could feel optimistic atmosphere from the beginning. She is a fantastic facilitator of discussions, she connected everybody together, even when they had a different opinions at the beginning. It made me realize how friendly environment can help even with the toughest challenges and as well I realized the need to communicate with different type of personalities in different ways. The Leadership game (aside Dixit) is really an only game in which I don't care about winning, but just about playing and listening to others. I definitely recommend Gabi and all Epifor events!
Sethuraman Srinivasan
Sethuraman Srinivasan
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I know Gabi from our Coach training program and have had the personal experience of working with her as my Coach. I have found Gabi to be quite engaging, empathetic and quite honest in her feedback. She brings in her broad experience in language and behavior profiling in coaching conversations and this offers invaluable insights. I would highly recommend Gabi if you are committed to hiring a coach.
Monika Gottlob
Monika Gottlob
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Dear Gaby, Let me thank you for the Everyone Communicates Few Connect mastermind classes you are leading. I feel we are doing a lot of good work and you deserve hearing this. I am honestly impressed how deeply we study connections using D.I.S.C. people profiling. All tasks relate perfectly to everyday situations and are easy to put into practice. “Everybody communicates - Few connect” - How true it is! I feel I have opened a whole new chapter in understanding human behaviour. Thanks to you Gaby! I enjoy your classes.Thank you very much for the passion and tremendous effort you are putting into these mastermind classes. We can feel it. Bests, Monika
Florian Bausch
Florian Bausch
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“Gabi led us through five insightful sessions about personality traits and how to communicate with others. All sessions where rich of multi-faceted discussions amongst us participants that helped me to let the concepts sink in. I appreciated a lot that Gabi shared course material with us upfront which allowed me to prepare upfront and get the most out of each session. One of the main lessons I take with me on my personal leadership journey is: Influence is about giving choice.”
Zora Wang
Zora Wang
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Gabi's mastermind sessions are very inspiring! It opened a new door for me to explore different perspectives on human interactions. It was very fun and at the same time awakening - I was afterwards able to understand why some people around behave the way they do, and also know better how to communicate more effectively!
Ksenia Sandryukhina
Ksenia Sandryukhina
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“A surprisingly short set of questions related to different situations and a detailed report showing your unique personality blend. One of the things that empowers is an opportunity to look at yourself through different lenses and explore your blind spots and strengths you were not sure about or did not know. For me, taking the DISC assessment and having a Debrief session with Gabi has become a stepping stone for deeper self-exploration and self-awareness. On top of that, you can really tap into what draws you the most, Gabi was open to all the areas I was eager to focus on regarding my blend.”
Yasuyo Udesen
Yasuyo Udesen
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Taking the DISC assessment was particularly useful after attending Gaby’s DISC communication course. Lots of real life examples, the reading materials and the group discussion deepened my understanding and helped interpret the assessment report. I liked the detailed description of the report as it showed both strengths and development areas in my communication style. It has definitely increased my self awareness and I am confident that it helped me improve how I connect with others.
Abdul Raman Dankar
Abdul Raman Dankar
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I attended Gabriella's 5 weeks' class of "Everyone communicates few connect with DISC". The class improved my understanding of other people's personalities, knowing myself better, and identifying my unique strengths and differences. She brought forward well researched and clear arguments. I believe that these types of sessions are effective because each one was sharing his understanding of the ideas, and we communicated firsthand. She also did a great job moderating these sessions.
Holger Rosemann
Holger Rosemann
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Gabi's class of "Influence with Power" taught me excellent techniques how to listen more and evaluate others. This is the base for understanding and influencing others more effectively. Gabi helped me a lot to identify those patterns with very simple methods, easy to understand and to remember. I can highly recommend her course but even more how Gabi has managed to bring all the content across by actively engaging all participants and making it fun too. Big thank you, especially in times of "virtual learning". Time well invested!
Laura Maly-Schmidt
Laura Maly-Schmidt
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In the Influence With Power course, we learned the importance of listening with empathy and we practiced the skill of how to do this. The key to effective listening was understanding what to listen for. We discussed different types of communication and how best to support people based on their needs. It was interesting to learn about the different personality types and how people communicate based on their personality type. Over the five weeks, I was able to observe the different methods of communication people used and to practice responding using the language that others needed to feel heard. I recognized that by using some of the techniques I was learning, I could have much more successful conversations even if the topics were challenging. If you are a leader who wants to be more effective with your communication, take this course. It is practical and you have opportunities to practice what you are learning with others in the group. Gabi is an excellent facilitator who keeps the group organized, reflective, and focused on growth.
Florian Bausch
Florian Bausch
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‚Influence with Power‘ gave me one thing: options. New options to understand people better. Options how I can respond to others with the way I communicate. Options to relate to them based on their needs and their natural preferences. I learned about myselfs what motivates me to behave the way I do and what I can to the influence my motivation, just by reframing the situation with guiding my attention to what is important to me. Who wants to get to more awareness about oneself and others is well-served with this course. You can gain to power to influence.
Mariana de la Roche Willis
Mariana de la Roche Willis
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‚Influence with Power‘ gave me one thing: options. New options to understand people better. Options how I can respond to others with the way I communicate. Options to relate to them based on their needs and their natural preferences. I learned about myselfs what motivates me to behave the way I do and what I can to the influence my motivation, just by reframing the situation with guiding my attention to what is important to me. Who wants to get to more awareness about oneself and others is well-served with this course. You can gain to power to influence.
Valerija Slavina
Valerija Slavina
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Gabi delivered a DISC workshop which I found very interesting and useful. I learnt so much about different types of personalities and how these fit in within the teams. Gabi’s way of presenting was very smooth and interaction she had with the audience was great. It provoked some thinking process and gave the opportunity to discuss and digest the content. I can highly recommend Gabi as your coach to understand how to create high performing teams.

Contact US

Feel free to contact us if you want to find out more!

More About Us

Alex and Gabi Nicolae

Dusseldorf 40237

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