What if you could tap into your greatest motivations and dramatically improve your relationships and accelerate your results?
Your individual personality affects every aspect of your life. That’s why one of the best things you can do to grow yourself and others is to understand your personality and what naturally drives you. When you recognise your strengths and weaknesses, you are able to give your best as you work with the people around you.
People are different but predictably different.
Everyone you encounter is motivated differently, communicates differently, and views tasks and relationships differently. The Maxwell DISC Profile Workshop will help you achieve greater success when you learn to value your strengths as well as those of others.
When you become aware of the pattern of how other people communicate, you not only know what kind of communication to expect FROM them; you also know how to best prepare FOR, interact WITH, and respond TO them in order to have a successful connection!
If you want to learn to what degree YOU are a D, an I, an S or a C, our Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator Report will provide you with 30 pages all about you. Moreover, we can have a session where we discuss your report and set the action steps for you.
In the Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator Report besides the DISC style you will also find:
- Description of your behavioural style
- Description your communication style
- The communication style of others and how to connect to them
- The ideal environment where you can bring the best forward
- Your strengths in 7 key areas of influence
- 3 graphs that show how others perceive you, how you react to stress and how you perceive yourself
- And how you can grow into their potential

Each day in our personal and professional lives, you have an opportunity to communicate, connect, and collaborate in a way that adds value
Using the communication strategies of DISC you can transform results and relationships!
For a DISC Personality Indicator Report, contact us!
In these days of rapid change and overload of information, teamwork remains the one sustainable competitive advantage that has been largely overlooked. Building cohesive teams is the key to win over inefficiency.
When a team is built on trust, team members share their perspectives, have a common and clear direction, are committed, they keep each other accountable and focus on results, they can accomplish what might have looked impossible on paper.
The energy, enthusiasm and belief make the impossible possible in a cohesive team.
During the DISC training, we lead your team into communication and personal behavioural assessment that will allow team members to realise their own leadership style, the communication methods and motivators as well as an increase of understanding of their co-workers. The result of the DISC training will be a greater appreciation for the unique gifts and talents that each team member brings to the organisation. As communication increases, employee engagement increases, stress decreases and greater productivity and employee satisfaction will be the result seen among the coworkers.
The Team DISC Sessions are designed to increase awareness and appreciation of the team members and to move the team into a series of exercises to increase trust which is the greatest asset in any individual and the core of a cohesive team. After we build a foundation of trust, we could be working on the communication and feedback culture, that will enable healthy conflict (debate).
- Understand how others are different and how to work with each personality types.
- Build a stronger team that communicates, appreciates the style of others and works well together.
- Learn effective strategies for handling conflict and personality clashes.
- Learn effective ways of giving feedback that honours both parties (the messenger and the receiver).
- Reflect on personal style practices and recognise their impact and influence on others.
- Challenge individuals to critically examine their communication and feedback style at the intrapersonal, interpersonal and organisational levels.
Measures of Success
Our metrics will include the following:
- Increase in discussion and participation in communication and feedback development.
- Noticeably stronger relationships between group members and an increase in the community strength.
- Greater awareness of the different communication and feedback styles and their impact.
- Greater member engagement through an increased sense of belonging and camaraderie.
Methodology and Options
- Maxwell DISC personality indicator reports for workshop attendees – optional but recommended (online assessment that takes 15-20 minutes):
- Description of the behavioural style
- Description of the communication style
- The communication style of others and how to connect to them
- The ideal environment where the individual can bring the best forward
- The person’s strengths in 7 key areas of influence
- 3 graphs that show how others perceive the person, how he/she reacts to stress and how he/she perceives himself/herselfs strengths
- And how he/she can grow into his/her potential
- DISC Workshop on communication and feedback – Finding the Patterns to Connect
- Reflect on personal style practices and recognise their impact and influence on others
- Learn effective strategies for handling conflict and personality clashes.
- Learn effective ways of giving feedback that honours both parties (the messenger and the receiver).
- Maturity in relationships, adding value to the team
- The components of face-to-face communication
- Communication and feedback with DISC
- And how he/she can grow into his/her potential
Possible action steps after the workshop:
- DISC 1-on-1 Coaching Debrief 45 minutes for each report
- Personalised debrief
- Deep exploration of the DISC report
- Set an individualised action plan
- Coaching
The goal of the coaching process is to develop behavioural skills based on personal and professional goals. Coaching is a partnership with a stimulating and creative process that inspires the individual to maximise his/her personal and professional potential. My responsibility is to provide content, insight, tools, wisdom, framework, ideas, and feedback. The individual’s responsibility is to move from awareness to action and accountability. My coaching provides many structures for the individual to meet his/her individual and organisational goals.
The objectives of coaching include helping the individual:
- Clarifying his/her vision
- Discovering talents and opportunities for improvement
- Reflection and increasing self-awareness
- Greater accountability for his/her actions
- Structure and focus
- Effective communication
Facilitated by: Alex and Gabi Nicolae
Certified DISC Consultants and NLP Practitioners
Certified John Maxwell Leadership Coaches & Trainers